misalnya kamu punya 5 balon. see which one pops first. nah skrg cuma punya 4 balon. terus 2 balon meletus lagi. there are two left kan, see which one lasts. Itulah sahabat. the last one standing, the one who will always be there for you even if you don't need them. the one who will be 24/7 for you. sahabat itu yang tau who you really are. sahabat itu yang tau semua rahasia kamu. sahabat itu yang bisa bikin kamu ketawa guling2 di lantai. sahabat itu yang bisa ngejelek2in kamu and pasti honest about everything. misalnya kamu nanya ke dia, "rambutku bagus ga?" terus dia pasti honest, "jelek". sahabat itu yang akan support kamu, just like your number one fan. sahabat itu yang bisa jadi your second mom, who can slap your ass if you're acting like a total bitch. sahabat, like your twin, almost everything you like sama kayak dia. I'm telling you this ya, sahabat itu 1000000000000x lebih baik daripada pacar. look, in the first place, kamu pasti gaakan sm pacar kamu kalo sahabat kamu ga bantuin/support kamu, kan? she's/he's the cause of your relationship with your boy/girlfriend. JANGAN PERNAH ninggalin sahabat kamu kalo km udh sm pacar kamu, that's the worst thing ever, kalo km gitu, oh hey there look in the mirror and i see someone who's damn fake and only cares about itself. if someone breaks your heart, sahabat kamu pasti akan revenge for that person who tries to break you into pieces. one day maybe semua orang akan benci kamu, kamu bakal kehilangan uang, kehilangan pacar, kehilangan barang berharga, but look to your side, there's your bestfriend. everyone deserves to have a bestfriend:)❤
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